Guy Who Ignored Wife During Marriage Suddenly Wants His Old Life Back After Their Divorce

Sometimes, you think you got out of a non-working relationship for good, and then that person comes back begging to be let into your life again. But what if they hurt you? What if you don’t want to let them back in? And what is there to do if you still don’t want to hurt that person?

Well, let’s be honest: we have a knack for these questions, and the main character of today’s story said she’s asking herself them as her cheating ex-husband came back into her life. As she didn’t know how to answer them herself, she turned to the online world for advice and became today’s OP.

Sometimes, people who no longer play a big part in your life come back expecting to become one of the main characters again, even if you really don’t want them back

Image credits: Jonathan Borba (not the actual photo) 

A woman became a mom and a wife when she was very young and got stuck in a marriage where she took care of everything and got barely any attention from her husband

Image credits: Luiz Gustavo Miertschink (not the actual photo) 


Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo) 

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