How Céline Dion’s Bold Wedding Day Fashion Landed Her In the Hospital

Céline Dion’s Iconic Wedding Tiara: A Heavyweight Love Story

Céline Dion’s Wedding Tiara: A Heavyweight Story

When it comes to wedding vows, couples often think about promises for sickness, health, wealth, or poverty. But maybe they should also consider adding a vow for the unexpected, inspired by Céline Dion’s wedding day: “when the heavy accessory I wear at our wedding sends me to the hospital.”

The Iconic Wedding Tiara

In 1994, Céline Dion married René Angélil, wearing an unforgettable seven-pound tiara. This stunning headpiece was decorated with about 2,000 Swarovski crystals. It covered much of her forehead and soared high above her head, with her veil trailing behind. Recently, Céline shared the story behind this iconic look, reflecting on her most memorable fashion moments.

The Challenge of Wearing the Tiara

To keep the tiara in place, it was sewn directly into Céline’s hair. She practiced walking while wearing it to handle its heavy weight. However, the real test came when she walked down the carpeted aisle of the cathedral. Céline recalled, “I practiced, and everything was smooth, but when I had to walk in the cathedral, it wasn’t a wooden floor; it was carpet. I had an immediate facelift. And I thought, ‘Am I going to make it to my future husband?’ But then I said, ‘Oh, I’m Gonna Run to You.’ And I did.”

The Aftermath of the Wedding

Despite the tiara’s weight, Céline was filled with joy on her wedding day. “When you’re so happy, there’s no weight, no problem, no pain,” she explained.

However, the trouble began when it was time to remove the headpiece at the end of the night. The pressure from the tiara had caused a cut on her head. Céline shared, “The next day, I woke up and looked in the mirror. I had a bump the size of an egg in the middle of my forehead… It was so huge that it made my eyes cross.”

No Regrets

She went to the hospital, where she received antibiotics to treat the wound. Despite the pain, Céline has no regrets about her wedding look. “This moment will stay with me forever,” she said. “The dress couldn’t have been big enough. I could’ve worn something three times the size on my head. I could’ve had six different dresses that night because he was, and still is, such a wonderful human being. He brought out the best in me. He really did.”

Image may contain Ren Anglil Cline Dion Face Head Person Photography Portrait Accessories Jewelry and Necklace

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